The Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete

The Minotaur, the Wild Beast of Crete

Directed by Silvio Amadio
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 4.9



Directed by Silvio Amadio
Runtime minutes
Released 1972
IMDb Score: 6.2

For One Thousand Dollars Per Day

For One Thousand Dollars Per Day

Directed by Silvio Amadio
Runtime minutes
Released 1966
IMDb Score: 5.1

Smile Before Death

Smile Before Death

Directed by Silvio Amadio
Runtime minutes
Released 1972
IMDb Score: 6.1

Il medium

Il medium

Directed by Silvio Amadio
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score: 6.6

Tu che ne dici?

Tu che ne dici?

Directed by Silvio Amadio
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 4.3

That Malicious Age

That Malicious Age

Directed by Silvio Amadio
Runtime minutes
Released 1975
IMDb Score: 4.8

The Minor

The Minor

Directed by Silvio Amadio
Runtime minutes
Released 1974
IMDb Score: 4.8

Il medico... la studentessa

Il medico... la studentessa

Directed by Silvio Amadio
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 4.7

So Young, So Lovely, So Vicious...

So Young, So Lovely, So Vicious...

Directed by Silvio Amadio
Runtime minutes
Released 1975
IMDb Score: 4.9

Il carabiniere

Il carabiniere

Directed by Silvio Amadio
Runtime minutes
Released 1981
IMDb Score: 3.1